Blog Session N°10

While writing on blogs I felt the ability to communicate part of me yhat others could know, I found that very special.. Also reading the blogs of my classmates allowed me to know their points of views, what they felt, what amused them and enjoyed.
One of the blogs that I liked the most was the one that took as its theme "what you like about what you study," because I knew the things that my colleagues called them the attention of the race and why they had chosen that career .
While I was reading the blog of my classmates this semester, I found that they had a degree of sensitivity and knowledge about interesting topics, they think beyond the common things in everyday life.
In the future it would be interesting to continue writing and reading other people's blogs, because it is interesting to know the different opinions on the same topic and like all may have a different solution.
The experience with these blogs was very good and being in another language, the English, we can learn to express what we think in another language and understand by reading what others want to say and say.