lunes, 15 de agosto de 2016

Blog Session N°10

 I found very interesting the blogs that we developed this semester. Each one had its own particularity way, one more personal and other more trivial.
While writing on blogs I felt the ability to communicate part of me yhat others could know, I found that very special.. Also reading the blogs of my classmates allowed me to know their points of views, what they felt, what amused them and enjoyed.
One of the blogs that I liked the most was the one that took as its theme "what you like about what you study," because I knew the things that my colleagues called them the attention of the race and why they had chosen that career .
While I was reading the blog of my classmates this semester, I found that they had a degree of sensitivity and knowledge about interesting topics, they think beyond the common things in everyday life.
In the future it would be interesting to continue writing and reading other people's blogs, because it is interesting to know the different opinions on the same topic and like all may have a different solution.

The experience with these blogs was very good and being in another language, the English, we can learn to express what we think in another language and understand by reading what others want to say and say.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2016

Blog Session N°9 

I haven't traveled much but the walk that I liked the most was to the Macul gully.
This park with running vegentacion is in Peñalolén, where people do trekking, sports, scouts, horseback riding, etc.
I did not know about this place until a friend told me to go to the creek. We carry food for a picnic and I took my camera to capture the beautiful landscapes.

To reach the creeck we took a bus in Greece avenue to get to the Torres Diagonal Avenue. Then we walked diagonal upon the montain 1.5 km aprox.

Arriving at the entrance to the walk we had to check in, give our names and id numbers

The day was very cute! not hot, 
Scalar turned out quite tiring because the trail is steep but the variety of vegetation and colors finally brightens up the ascent which reduces the effort.

We arrived very tired, it took us two hours to reach the first creek honestly we delay stop for taking photographs.

When we arrived there was a small pond we left things on a rock and we went into the water, it was very cold, but refreshened.
We took a picnic and stayed all afternoon.
It's very nice feeling when one makes a great effort to reach a beautiful place, and you relax completely, it is comforting.

I loved to see families there, because children makes them good do those outdoor activities, show them you can have fun and enjoy very siemples things that are available to us all the time.

It was very nice that day, I was worth the effort and fatigue and to enjoy the wonders of nature.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Blog Session N°8

I enjoyed studying this semester restoration.

It is a class which I liked, because it mixes theory with practice. In the practical classes we have made restoration of ceramic, clay and textile object. We have also gone to the sculpture park to restore and preserve the sculptures.

In the theoretical classes we studied restoration in architecture, art, as well the titanic boat.
That was very interesting!

We have also made visits has museums for example the Pre-Columbian, where we have seen how they make conservation of textile works.
The textile objects kept in a room with fluorescent lighting and infarroja , because natural or artificial light damages the textiles.
also the room is closed to prevent humidity from damaging the works.

I chose this class because it is one of the areas I would like to work out of the carrer.
I would like work in the area of archeology restore ​​, because I find it very important to restore and recover the historical objects.

It has been very interesting this class,  I learned a lot! and I hope to learn much more during the year.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

Blog Session N°7

A career-related website that I enjoy visiting: is

Pinterest is a platform where users share images of different themes, such as hobbies, design of paitings, drawings, hairstyles, clothing design, textile fabrica, designs lamps, etc.
Users can browse other pinboards, "re-pin" images to their own collections or give them "I like". They can also follow other users with similar interests and tastes.

The function of pinterest is to keep everyone in the world connected with things that are interesting.

I usually use this web page to see different types of art that interest me. 
There are many interesting works performing artists, who are not necessarily known. Seeing the images of his works I realize that there is much talent in the world, it really is wonderful to see how each person expresses their language through art.
I use this site to see works related to my career because I care and I like to see how other people perform their works of art works. It really is magnificent as one is connected with people who are in other parts of the world and you can see his artistic talent.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Blog Session N°1

I am Stephanie Nicole Larghi Vidal and I was born on July 20th 1992, in Adelaide Australia. I am the third child of four sisters.

I studied at the primary school Aurora de Chile in Ñuñoa. Later on, I continued my education in the Augusto D´Halmar high school.

When I finishied the high school in 2010 , I spent a year in a art workshop and I spend half a year studying at the pre university Pedro de Valdivia for the examan to get in to the university.

In 2012 I enter at the Arcis university to study Art and visual culture.
After a year I request to be transfer to the University of Chile by special admission.

Today I am studying fourth year career with painting mension and also I am attending yoga classes in Pedagogico.

Blog Session N°3

I'm not a fan of technology, but I like some things that we use everyday .

The cell phone is one of them. I like it because I can use whatsapp to be connected with my best Friends, that I can't see very often. That's really great!
I also like take pictures with cell phone while I'm walking ,when  I see something that catches my attention .

Another technological device that I use every day is my mp4 . I like listening to music when I'm walking or jogging .

I find that technology had help as connecting people who are far away and getting information we need suddenly.
But people are making excessive use of technology and are getting far away from those who have close .

We need to learn to dose the use of these instruments.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Blog Session N°6

I believe there is life on another planets, because the universe should not be just for us.
Unidentified circles catch my attention. These circles have captured in the crop fields, they are very interesting!

The oldest record in a circle crop is in England 1978. The image you see is a demon cutting a large circle in the crop.
It is believed that these crop circles could have been extraterrestrials or humans.
For people had to be very very strange to see that, because at that time it was not reported much about that topic.

Today they are still finding these circles in the fields without knowing who created them.
I find that they really seem like artworks!

They are wonderful and very nice.

These crop circles may be clues that life exists outside our planet and they can be with us.